Lin, Min-Yi(林旻毅) is an industrial designer based in Tokyo. He excels in integrating contemporary aesthetics with cultural contexts to create innovative ideas. After graduating from Taiwan's Da-Yeh University, he pursued a doctoral program in the Design Department of Chiba University's Graduate School of Science and Technology. He presented a thesis titled "Research and Investigation of User Behavior in Taiwanese Tatami Rooms." His areas of expertise include graphic design, product design, illustration, and design-driven community and regional development.
In 2013, he received the Red Dot Award for his work "Mr. Fish," followed by the iF Design Award in 2017 for "ACCORDION PUBLIC TRASH CAN." In 2022, while working at Infyl Co., Ltd., he obtained a Japanese domestic patent for an integrated desk called "nesty." Currently, he is a member of Tesera Co., Ltd. With a wide range of experience in design, from B2C to B2B, he is adept at handling everything from product conceptualization to mass production design. Please feel free to reach out for consultation on your projects.
Lin,Min-Yi,(リンミンイ)、東京を拠点に活動するインダストリアルデザイナー。現代の造形美と文化的なコンテキストを合理的に融合し新たなアイデイアを作り出すことを得意とする。台湾大同大学大学院卒業後、千葉大学融合理工学府デザインコース博士後期課程に進学。論文「台湾における和室空間の使用者行為研究・調査」を発表した。得意な分野はグラフィックデザイン・プロダクトデザイン・イラスト・デザインによるまちづくり、地域創生。2013年に作品「」でreddot賞を受賞、2017年に作品「ACCORDION PUBLIC TRASH CAN」でiFデザイン賞を受賞、2022年株式会社インフィルにて「nesty」という組み込みデスクで日本国内特許を取得。現在株式会社Teseraに在籍中。B2CからB2Bまで幅広いデザイン領域の経験を持ち、商品企画から量産デザインまでを幅広く手がける。お気軽にご相談ください。